Breath in...
I can't stress how important stretching is as both a strength builder and injury prevention tactic. That being said, it can be a bit daunting to start practicing yoga, especially without proper instruction. Here are some suggestions on getting started in a practice that will change your life for the better.
- Jump in: Like the Mad River in early summer, it's best to jump into yoga. Be open to new practices, especially those foreign to you. when I started practicing yoga, I was hesitant about much of the meditation aspects associated with yoga, but I now find they are an essential part to my daily practice.
- Take a class: Until you know understand of the basic poses and tenets of yoga, yoga classes are essential
to learning and preforming yoga safely.
- Yoga podcasts: If you've had some experience with yoga and looking for a more independent practice try one of these 20 minute yoga podcast. they are short and sweet and a great start to designing your own yoga practice.
- Educate yourself: There are literally hundreds of videos and books on yoga, and you could drive yourself crazy trying to read them all, but finding a few sites to check when you're feeling yourself getting stale will help you stay motivated in your practice. Breath Repeat is an easy to digest blog that will help the aspiring yogi live and practice in a meaningful way, and has some great ideas for healthy meals. Do some web searches, and find a site that works for you. (suggestion: try to stay away from sites with too much advertising, they often have poor/cheap information that isn't very helpful)
- Practice, Practice, Practice: Its no surprise; do get good (by which I mean to practice in a meaningful and productive way) at yoga, you have to do Yoga! Try some simple stretches for 20 minutes before you get to bed. turn your phone/computer/music off on concentrate on your body. notice what muscles feel tight and make note of it. just like your skis, your body needs maintenance, and by studying it, you will understand it better.
Now you just have to do it. This can be a challenge, but it is always worth it.
shred flicks: Nat Segal & Jake Blauvelt
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