
The term freestyle as been in use for decades and is a blanket term used to denote all forms of competitive skiing outside of alpine racing. Although these contests go by many names, there are three types of competitions that our teams athletes compete in. The following list should help you in deciphering the terms by which we try to define our sport that, at its core, is still… free.

 - Aka: moguls, bumps, hot doggin’
 - Governing body: USSA
 - Available contests: VT A & B moguls (A & B denote higher and lower levels of competitiveness)  
 - Pros: Jeremy Cota, Hannah Kearney, Johnny Mosley
 - Website: http://usskiteam.com/freestyle      http://www.easternfreestyle.org/
 - Video: http://vimeo.com/38346987

  - Aka: Extremes, Unconventional, Big Mountain,
  - Governing body: FWT (freeskiing world tour), Ski The East
  - Available contests: Ski the East Freeride Tour
  - Pros: Kye Peterson, Kaj Zakrison, Henrik Windstedt
  - Website: http://www.skitheeast.net/freeridetour-overview                                   http://www.freeskiingworldtour.com/
  - Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxU77nIIDfo&feature=relmfu

 - Aka: Park, pipe, rails.  
 - Governing body: USSA/ USASA 
 - Available contests: USASA Northern Vermont Series. Mountain-run events
 - Pros: Tom Wallish, Simon Dumont, Andreas Hatveit 
 - Website: http://usfreeskiing.com/freeskiing    
 - Video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXb8LBxSY-E   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV3SgtBHeKI&feature=relmfu

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Distilation #1 : TED Talks