Thursday, April 26, 2012

Workout: Box Jumps

Box jumps are a great workout for all types of freestyle skiers.

The box jump is perfect for off season ski training. It strengthens all of our leg muscles with the added bonus of being explosively dynamic which will help increase our agility and responsiveness.

There are three types of box jumps I will show here and although you don't need to go to a gym to do this activity, you will need to find a stable surface. A park bench, a stair set or a tree stump will all work. Don't start off too big: work your way up and remember it's more important to do the activity right then fast.

Box Jump # 1 : the traditional box jump

This is the most basic box jump and is suitable for all skiers and riders. This box jump will work on our explosiveness and as such will positively influence our jumping. This is particularly important for extreme skiers as we don't always have the lip of the jump to generate pop. 

Box jump # 2 : lateral box jumps.
This set of box jumps is designed specifically for mogul skiers. Instead of jumping onto a high box and jumping of you, you will jump from one side of the box to the other, only lightly touching down on the top of the box. You will want to start on a smaller platform then you would use for traditional box jumps. remember; KEEP YOUR EYES UP!!! Don't focus on the box, but rather on a stationary object in the distance. Begin by doing three sets of twenty and when you feel more comfortable, see how many you can do in 1 minute. 

Box jump # 3: Rail-slide box jumps

This set is for park skiers, as it attempts to mimic the motion of sliding a rail. To do this set of box jumps, start by standing on the right side of the box. Jump up and onto the box while turning your body to the left 90 degrees. lock on till you feel stable then pop off turning to the right so you face forward. Complete a set of ten then try ten starting on the left side of the box, jumping and turning to the right 90 degrees, landing left foot forward, popping off, turning left and landing forward. 
The next step is trying to add spins to the equation. try a 270 on, a 180 switchup or 450 out. have fun with it and see how many diffrent tricks you can do in 1 miniute.
The last step is trying all8. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of all8, it refers to the eight different 270 on, switchup, 270 out that exist.  Check the comments for a list of all8.

Here's a video of a Todd Walnuts preforming all8 (notice he dosen't do 270 on, but it's the same idea)

And that's it. Check back soon for some more variations to all of these box jumps and more.


  1. All8
    1)righside 270 on, rightside 180 switchup, rightside 270 out
    2) R270, Rsu, pretzel L270
    3) R270, pzLsu, L270
    4) R270, pzLsu, pzR270
    5) L270, Lsu, L270
    6) L270, Lsu, pzR270
    7) L270, pzRsu, R270
    8) l270, pzRsu, pzL270

  2. all 32? After doing all normal 270s, ad lip 270, switch 270, lip 270
